

to late for me cost me $60.00    my email got goofed up. could only get 10
post then tied up.  after they came out and had to go to my server to delete
lot of my mail. the one about 99 did it.  oh i had 3 of my can for pennies
stolen. what this world coming to? i just stared Monday of shutting my PC
off. i have a program if on it will clean any viruses, bad attachment lot o
stuff but has to be on. it does it at night. all so a screen saver. so i do
not even have shut my monitor they clead all most of 85 post,s so i don,t
know if any body sent list of what different med mean like
agonist,dyskinesia. i lost some elolitghts. from the heat and has it given
me run lot to the reading room. my nero and VIVIAN  AND AND THE FAMILY(LIST)
REST DON. stay inside so ok you all are so right. don't be bull headed   so
i did not get just few post. to read. goes to show we old good looking men
don,t know it all lolo. white hat no remarks which i know will be coming.

                                   I.Y.Q.  DON   VIVIAN
                               LOVE OF MY LIFE-54

                        WHEN LAST TIME YOU TOLD YOUR C,G

                                 BEST MEDS FOR PD IS
                          GIVE YOUR C.G. HUG & KISS

                                flash@wcoil .com