

Dear Gina-- I advise you to take great care in dealing with the author of
the note below. In a previous message she identified herself as " Nurse
Carole", and wrote of "treatment" available for poor Ken at the "funny
farm".  The comparison  at once  sprang to my agile mind with a certain
"Nurse Ratchett" of ill repute, whose site of operations was the "Cuckoo's
Nest Sanitarium".  Do not, I repeat DO NOT have anything to do with this
so-called "nurse" who is ALSO in the employ of the nefarious Mr. Vito--he's
worse than his brother Guido by a long shot, and you know what they say
about "birds of a feather" !
Forewarned is Fourarmed (and in this case, you would need all the arms you
can get! )

> Guido, huh? No wonder Mr.Vito seems so resourceful.
>And what is YOUR address, my dear Gina?
>       An Anonymous Pig Advocate, Frank Sinatra Fan
>       & Employee of Mr.Vito(Now That My P&A Empire
>       Has Floundered, Thanks To Ken),
>                    Carole H.

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !