

Dear Nurse Ra---errrrr Carole---of the "Cuckoo's Nest " Funny Farm:

So you are engaged to Mr. Vito? I guess congratulations are in order,
although what I've heard of that gentleman is not very encouraging.  He
does seem to have quite a temper, and to doggedly pursue anyone he thinks
"owes him one".  I trust you will have your "Eyes Wide Shut" if you intend
to be "Married to the Mob".....{ how did Hollywood get into this anyway???}

No word from either Ken or Gina to date.  They seem to have "gone to
ground", as foxes do when the hounds are at their heels. (Isn't that
poetic?)   Perhaps Gina has taken a job with Ken, as his assistant in
maintenance of Mr.Vito's mansion---and how would I know anyway---I'm only a
simple advocate for the fabled Cincy Fliers, who are also at risk  of
becoming Mr.Vito's breakfast bacon! Thank goodness Ms.Piggy (after being
spotted by Don in flight to Cincinnati) is now safely back at the Parkinsaw
Sanctuary.  News from there will be sparse until Mr.B returns, but where
Razorbacks , Boars and DDDeville are concerned NO news is surely GOOd news

I wonder if Mr. Vito has ever encountered an enraged Wolverine ?  Your
nursing skills would come in handy if he did !

Nurse Carole wrote:
>Now Camilla, do you really think it is fair to compare
>me to Nurse Ratchett (even though I am complimented by
>the comparison?) And I said we have a nice room for
>poor  Ken at the Funny Farm. I didn't say it was The
>Cuckoo's Nest Funny Farm (even though it is.)And
>please do not speak of my fiance, Mr.Vito, in such an
>uncomplimentary way. By the way, have you heard from
>Ken...or Gina?
>           (Soon-To-Be Mrs.Vito)Nurse Carole

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !