

Don't worry, this is NOT a report of a trip to the ER ! In fact, Peter has
been managing well in the mornings, after we made the switch in med timing
and added 1 Ibuprofen at 5:30 AM.  I am pleased that this seems to be
working, and he has been rising on his own, without the awful abdominal
pains. The other day he even went to the Hallmark card store, and told me
to leave him there while I got a haircut----it has been a couple of years
since he would let me out of his sight away from home!

I mention this not only because so many nice folks have asked how he was
doing, but also to encourage you to look carefully at med timing and
consider whether a slight shift ( in distribution, not in quantity) may be
beneficial----assuming your neuro gives you a little leeway to experiment,
as ours does.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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