

Dear List-family....

Per Ivan's request, I just received and viewed the video of his
recent TV appearance and  am going to share my thoughts 'bout it
with ya all.  Mind you, I'm not a TV critic.... just another
person with Parkinson's who wants to see a cure and/or REAL
treatment SOONER rather than later (instead of something that only
masks the symptoms).

First a comment about the gentleman who interviewed Ivan.... He
WASN'T Dan Rather or Tom Brokow, but instead was very genuine man
who asked intelligent questions of Ivan, AND let Ivan do most of
the talking - a novel approach on the bigee-type national feeds.

Ivan really showed courage by going before the TV viewers while he
was somewhat "off."   Despite having  some  dyskenesia, he forged
ahead and gave a from-the-heart as well as a from-the-guts
response to the moderator's questions.   He wasn't "in your face"
to the speaker or audience about his PD symptoms, but rather just
let the watchers see what he had do deal with in living with PD.

Ivan was encouraged by the host asking intelligent questions (and
THAT is just the "luck of the draw," in TV-land!  There're some
hosts who DON'T ask intelligent questions nor even wait for their
guests to finish  replying!) as well as the show's full 1/2 hour
being devoted just to PD and Ivan, permitting in depth responses
by Ivan.

As a fellow youth onset PWP I was deeply touched at Ivan's candor
and his courage in being so open about what HE goes thru due to
PD - and what WE go thru in similar, if not the exact same ways.

Ivan "shot from the hip" on this one, and managed to cover just
about every current important PD-related issue and topic in a
blunt, yet calm way.

Thanks Ivan!!!

Barb Mallut
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