

At 07:02 AM 7/21/99 , Joan Hartman wrote:
>My msgs are coming in on a gray background as well...and I have earthlink
>ISP.  Joan

Joan, would you believe that it was one of your earlier messages (your
afternoon post on 7/20, for example) that came through with the gray
background?  Others have sent messages with pretty borders, and the writing
merges into the border so you can't read it.

The problem is that you are using Microsoft Outlook Express, which seems to
try to make every e-mail look like a work of art, rather than a
communication of  ideas.  If you don't have a recent vintage
state-of-the-art e-mail client, you may not be able to detect this
wonderful artwork or background coloration or different size fonts - you
may see some extraneous HTML code - I don't know.

Our best bet is probably to ask everybody - especially those with MOE
(Microsoft Outlook Express) to use the Plain Text option.


 Arthur Hirsch {} [log in to unmask] {} Lewisville, TX {} 972-434-2377
 (nickname on instant mail, ICQ, and chat programs is cutterson)

   PAN Forum, other photos, and my approach to links: