

Ida & Maryse:  Thanks for the question and the reply about dyskinesia and
it's possible connection to dosage of agonists.  The information helps me
know I'm not
driving myself crazy trying to pinpoint my husband's experiences with
which seem to have no set pattern of arrival (mid-dose sounds like what he is
mostly, but I had only heard of end of dose cases), so the timing of the
arrival of his
difficult times has been unpredictable for us.  I am realizing that he is
becoming more and more sensitive to inerval fluxuations , thus we are hoping
to move into the
agonist world (been using Bromocriptine the past 6 mo.- can't tell any
benefit).   I too have been wondering what effects the agonist have and what
part they play in the dyskinesia, difficulty with talking, and freezing
specifically.  We have an appt. with Neuro. Aug. 5th and hope to ask some
challanging questions and press for more specific answers.  Right now I'm
leaning toward asking to have
a prescription for Mirapex to try - but my husband is inclined to stay with
our same
current program - though I can see he's progressing and feel that his quality
of life
can still be enhanced greatly if we can only make the right choices in
medication and lifestyle......  If we come up with more difinitive ideas
about agonists and dyskinesia we'll  be posting the news......      marie
carepartner for husband 70/l3

                As Don and others remind us.......Best med for PD - NEVER