

Joy asked that this be shared with the list.

Dear Ruth,

I want to thank you so much for telling me about the Voice Craft timer.  I
wrote away for the Maxi-Aids catalogue and saw it listed there, but since I
am in Australia, I started looking at home. I did find one in Dick Smith's
- which is a store like Radio Shack (I expect).

It is great, as you said!  It has taken a HUGE burden off both of us and
Bob has been much better since he has been taking his pills regularly.  It
also stops me yelling at him (You forgot your pills again......!!!!).  He
has learnt that he has to respond IMMEDIATELY otherwise he forgets despite
the minute of beeping, tooting, boinking or cuckoo noises.

We have had great fun showing it to people and he carries it around with
him wherever he goes.  It has caused a bit of amusement as you can imagine.
 A few times he has left it set and it has gone off at 1 am (he takes pills
every three hours) and sadly he does not hear it at night times... so I get
up to attack it.  Now I have learnt to check that it is turned off for the

I am not on the List at the moment, so if you could convey this message
from me I would be grateful.

Many thanks

JOY Graham (CG Bob, PD 10 yrs - 59 years)