

Maryse Schild wrote:
> Marie and Ida:
> The reason I asked is that my husband is now no 9mg Requip (nothing
> else). When he increases the dose, it seems his tremor gets worse at
> night and sometimes during the day also. Difficult to tell if it is due
> to too much med or what because he had that sort of occurence before
> taking Requip. He has no dyskinesia but he does not take L-dopa and
> hesitates before introducing yet more drug-problem.
> I agree, never give up

Constantly aware of my own symptoms as they vary from hour to hour (or
minute to minute), I wonder if the hand and foot tremor that appears
a few minutes after the scheduled dose of Sinemet could be a form of
peak-dose dyskinesia, and whether it could be associated with agonists
such as Requip as well. At this point, it's noticeable but not very
troublesome, and subsides within a half hour or so. Might not occur if
I substitute Sinemet CR for the regular Sinemet, to damp out the
response. Cheers,
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013