

I bought another type pill holder with a timer from eckards - it only holds
the next 2 doses, but it is loud enough I can hear it, and I just have to
change one timer - I leave the other set for 4 hours all the time.  And it
has made a very big difference since I started taking the meds on time, and
not forgetting for an hour when they have totally worn off
----- Original Message -----
From: Virginia Christiansen <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 1999 10:58 AM
Subject: medicine timer

> Joy asked that this be shared with the list.
> Dear Ruth,
> I want to thank you so much for telling me about the Voice Craft timer.  I
> wrote away for the Maxi-Aids catalogue and saw it listed there, but since
> am in Australia, I started looking at home. I did find one in Dick Smith's
> - which is a store like Radio Shack (I expect).
> It is great, as you said!  It has taken a HUGE burden off both of us and
> Bob has been much better since he has been taking his pills regularly.  It
> also stops me yelling at him (You forgot your pills again......!!!!).  He
> has learnt that he has to respond IMMEDIATELY otherwise he forgets despite
> the minute of beeping, tooting, boinking or cuckoo noises.
> We have had great fun showing it to people and he carries it around with
> him wherever he goes.  It has caused a bit of amusement as you can
>  A few times he has left it set and it has gone off at 1 am (he takes
> every three hours) and sadly he does not hear it at night times... so I
> up to attack it.  Now I have learnt to check that it is turned off for the
> night!
> I am not on the List at the moment, so if you could convey this message
> from me I would be grateful.
> Many thanks
> JOY Graham (CG Bob, PD 10 yrs - 59 years)