

Dear Listfriends
We're back home again, after a very nice stay in Florida. We've decided
not to sell our home, but to have a small condo in Fla instead, which is
a big relief to me -- I won't have to move again!

I attended a wonderful first meeting of a new Young-Onset Group in Ft.
Lauderdale; the leader, Carol Eichhorn, is very warm and encouraging.
This group has an excellent future, and I would encourage anyone in the
area to try to attend.

This is probably old news, but in case it hasn't come up on the list:

Subthalamic brain stimulation may improve gait in Parkinson's
patients -- Reuters Medical News

Also, I will "speak" on nutrition and PD in the WebMD chat room next
Monday, should anyone care to "attend."

Best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
Medical nutrition therapy
Author: "Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease"
"Parkinson's disease: assessing and managing unique nutrition needs"