

Well that is a tricky question to answer, Mrs. Vito! It seems the Gandy
Dancers got a little lost, and some of them wandered onto a beach, and now we
have 75 Sandy Gandy Dancers, a few more went to Home Depot to learn some new
skills, and that would be 25 Handy Gandy Dancers, and 10 of them stopped off
in Hershey PA, and fell into a vat of chocolate, so that makes 10 Candy Gandy
Dancers, but five of them also were at Home Depot, so they would be Handy
Candy Gandy Dancers. Oh, and one stopped by Barry Manilow's house, and is now
Mandy, the Handy Candy Gandy Dancer, so Carole, If you prepare for about ten
dozen Gandy Dancers, that would be just........DANDY! P.S., I am not going to
be able to make it myself, but, I am SURE you won't be lonely!  Afterwards
the Gandy Dancers were planning a trip to Radio Shack, a division of TANDY!
Ken "The check is in the mail"