

Dear Listfriends,
As many of you know, a year ago the American Dietetic Association
granted funds for me to write a manual on nutrition and Parkinson's
disease. I'm now in the final stages of editing, and it should be
released at the ADA annual convention this coming October.

Recently, I was informed by ADA that they are revising and updating
their manual of clinical dietetics, a resource for registered dietitians
working in hospitals and other care settings. They have asked me if I
would write a chapter on nutrition and Parkinson's disease for the new
edition. Of course, I gladly said yes.

The financial compensation is small, but I believe the rewards will be
very great in other ways -- there are approximately 70,000 registered
dietitians in the U.S. who will now have greater awareness of PD, and
access to resources that will help provide better care.

I thought you would like to know that PD awareness is growing. All of
you who have worked in so many ways, whether via Pennies for
Parkinson's, building an afghan, contacting politicians, talking to
relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances, and all the thousands of other
ways -- your contributions have made a difference. It's working!

My very best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
Medical nutrition therapy
Author: "Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease"
"Parkinson's disease: assessing and managing unique nutrition needs"