

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses      86     deg. F   :-)
Yesterday evening, I had the opportunity to shake hands with Tipper Gore.
She is here campaigning for her husband's presidential run.

We were in a swirl of people on the 10th floor of a bank building near
commercial waterfront.  Bankers and politicians filled the room.
The floor-to-ceiling windows provided  sweeping views of Casco Bay.

I talked briefly with her about young onset PD, Michael J. Fox, Janet
Reno and the need for research money.

She was very open to everything I said. I had on a "NO PARKINSON'S"
PIN, and so did Mike and Sheila,  care attendants who were with me.

Everyone said how wonderful I looked.  What was most important to me
 was the opportunity to tell her about the need for $$$$$ for  PD
I somehow managed to be "on" despite being tired and nearly exhausted
from training in a new care attendant.

