

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        68   deg. F   :-)
Good morning, Listmembers,

Your videos are on the way to you:

Bob Anibal
Pat McGinnis
James Hadley
Hilary Blue
Edie Luther

We have reserved your videos, and are watching for your payment:

Alison Landes
Bonnie Rowley
Jolie Renee
Carole Hercun
Gil Lieberman
Nina Brown
John Leonard

You have expressed interest or support. Do you want a video to be
reserved for you?

Camilla Flintermann
Helen Mason
Maryhelen Davila
Joan Snyder
Rick Hermann
Joao de Carvalho
Gerry Haines
Rose Rowton
Janet Paterson
Doug McCorkle
Teresa Bohuscewicz
Constance Tate
Bob Armentout
Renee Marton

Available from me directly, now through Aug. 13th, is the 26-minute
video,  "The Challenge of Young Parkinson's" .

 Please, let me know your video has reached you!.  Feel free to tell us
(and the List) what you think.

Did the video cover enough issues?  Is it going to help us get the Udall
money?  Is it better for support groups?  Is the sound and colour quality
OK?  I  hope that my dyskinesia doesn't interfere with the message I
was trying to deliver about our need for a CURE.

Will "The Challenge" move someone who has NEVER seen a PWP on TV,
 to help us out?
I certainly hope so.  Video buyers, please try to get this brand new
professionally-edited, shown widely.

Thanks a million,

Ivan Suzman