

Dear Brian:  I've been wondering how the data had gone - if I had missed
glad to hear your going to try to post the tabulations of whatever you got
and let us
use it in our "individual guessing".  When answers were being posted I
tracked many replies and got some tendencies and prominences to put in our
med file - which next week I hope to organize and be as knowledgable as
possible when my
husband visits the neuro.   Sometimes the sophisticated guessing game we all
seem to be in is a real pain - but I do feel we are all collectively moving a
direction in so many avenues.
      Congratulations on your getting into a fetal transplant program,I
think, if you feel it is right for you.  We will be thinking of you as you
proceed thru such an avenue,
always praying for the best of circumstances for you.........
               Thanks for all you do.............        marie
carepartner husband 70/l3