

Next batch to be sent:

Sharon Habing (Check received after post office closed)

We have reserved your videos, and are watching for your payment:

Jolie Renee
Gerry Haines
Camilla Flintermann (after you talk to you your support group on August
10) Gil LIeberman (tape meanwhile on the way to Dvora)
Carole Hercun
Robert M.Johnson
Roger Buxton/Judy Hazlett
S.F. and Marie Judd
Jeannette Fuhr
Maryhelen Davila

You have expressed interest or support. Do you want a video(s) to be
reserved for you? Please respond as soon as possible.

Helen Mason
Joan Snyder
Rick Hermann
Joao de Carvalho
Rose Rowton
Janet Paterson
Doug McCorkle
Teresa Bohuscewicz
Constance Tate
Bob Armentout
Renee Marton

WHEW! What a typing and cross-checking job!  Hope
this takes care of  your questions.  Thank YOU!

Ivan Suzman and helpers