

My computer-savy husband showed me how I can have my e-mail messages
automatically downloaded into different folders.  (For those wanting to
automatically delete Non-PD e-mail messages the steps below will be helpful
but slightly different.)  I use Microsoft Outlook but for those using other
software the following may still be helpful.

You must first create the folders to accept your incoming e-mail messages.
In my case I created one called New PD Messages and another one called
Non-PD messages.  Then do the following:

Open the "Tools" menu.
Choose "Rules Wizard..."
Choose "New".

Click on "Check messages when they arrive."
Click on "Next."
Click on the little box corresponding to "from people or distribution list."
In the lower window insert "Parkinsn".

Click on "Next".
Click on the little box corresponding to "move it to the specified folder."
In the lower window insert "New PD Messages".

Click on "Next".
Click on the little box correstponding to  "except if the subject contains
specific words."
In the lower window type in "Non-PD".

Click on "Next".
Label this rule name New Parkinsn Messages or whatever you desire.
Make sure to checkmark the little box to turn on the rule.
Click on "Finish."

To place your Non-PD messages in a different folder repeat the above steps
but make sure you specify that your subject must contain Non-PD.

I hope this helps.

Teresa, Daughter of Mama (57/43/38)