

Thanks , Teresa.  I will try to work this through my computer.


On Tue, 27 Jul 1999 16:07:46 -0400 "Teresa V. Bohuszewicz"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>My computer-savy husband showed me how I can have my e-mail messages
>automatically downloaded into different folders.  (For those wanting
>automatically delete Non-PD e-mail messages the steps below will be
>but slightly different.)  I use Microsoft Outlook but for those using
>software the following may still be helpful.
>You must first create the folders to accept your incoming e-mail
>In my case I created one called New PD Messages and another one
>Non-PD messages.  Then do the following:
>Open the "Tools" menu.
>Choose "Rules Wizard..."
>Choose "New".
>Click on "Check messages when they arrive."
>Click on "Next."
>Click on the little box corresponding to "from people or distribution
>In the lower window insert "Parkinsn".
>Click on "Next".
>Click on the little box corresponding to "move it to the specified
>In the lower window insert "New PD Messages".
>Click on "Next".
>Click on the little box correstponding to  "except if the subject
>specific words."
>In the lower window type in "Non-PD".
>Click on "Next".
>Label this rule name New Parkinsn Messages or whatever you desire.
>Make sure to checkmark the little box to turn on the rule.
>Click on "Finish."
>To place your Non-PD messages in a different folder repeat the above
>but make sure you specify that your subject must contain Non-PD.
>I hope this helps.
>Teresa, Daughter of Mama (57/43/38)

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       67    deg. F   :-)