

Re: Porquetta's concern---
>She also wishes to explain to Camilla and Janet - two humans for whom she has
>the utmost regard and respect - that she is well aware of the flurry of
>attention that was paid this problem several months ago, but that she does not
>remember anything concrete happening.  SHe says a lot of good queestions were
>asked, and problems aired, but what results were achieved, what couclusions
>reached, and most important - how was life improved for those with the
>Hilay Blue (on behalf of Porquetta Porkinson, the Parkinson pig's kid sister)

I trust she and Hilary saw the article posted this afternoon by Barb B-K
"Re: Pregnancy OK after  dx".   Interesting ideas there.

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>      SAY HI!            0|   o   o    |0        CAMILLA
>                                0|     ^      |0
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