

On Thu 29 Jul, judith richards wrote:
>  29 July 1999
> Drug firms go all out to dazzle doctors
I have been trying to make sense of the apparently revolutionary result produced
by SmithKline Beacham by testing a combination of Levodopa and Requip. After all,
obtaining an increase in operating margin (between on the one hand Parkinson
tremor, and on the other hand levodopa-related dyskinesias) without compromise
is quite simply the Holy Grail which we are all chasing.

To get to the bottom line in one leap- Those folk who are in the starting blocks
and quivering, just waiting for the Drug Store (Chemists) to open. can stand down:
The optimum margin available is the same as it was yesterday. SKB have just
wrapped the package in a different way.

The attached chart, which I have deliberately kept very basic, is essentially an
extract from my note "A Model to Describe the Effect of Levodopa on a Person with
Parkinson's Disease".  This paper can be read at Simon Coles web Site :

I will attempt a rough diagram in this email, which may convey the  key message.

 |NN  Normal Behaviour
 |  NN
 |    NN
 |      NN
 |       NN
 |30       NN
 |           NN
 |             NN
 |               NN   A               B      C
 |                 NN
 |20                 NN-D+L_D+L_D+L_D+LD+L+C+DA+L+C+.................
 |                     NN            LLL
 |                       NN        LL   LL        DA
 |                         NN     LL      LL    DA
 |                           NN LL          LDA
 |10                          LLNN         DA LL
 |                          LL   NN      DA     LL
 |                        LL       NN  DA         LL
 |                      LL           NN
 |__________________ _LL_____________NN______________________________________
         30           40         50       60         70
                                                         ( AGE )

    NN  NN  NN     Normal Behaviour

    LL  LL  LL     Levodopa

   _D+L_D+L_D+L    Combination of Dopamine + Levodopa

 The diagram shows how I have worked my way through the levodopa tablets,
until I found the point where the Off-period shakes and the On-period
dyskinesias were almost super-imposed. (Point B) At this point,I then
introduced the dopamine agonist (Pergolide/Requip) and this takes me on to
point C where I am Balancing levodopa and Permax to obtain a stable point.
As this becomes a difficulty  I open up the Pergolide by 500 micro grammes
and so far, I have stayed ahead of the game. The advantage that I gain by
putting the pergolide in as slowly as possible is the minimum exposure to the

   If we consider what SKB did was doing, they picked a point about where I
was at age 50 , still on levodopa, but getting ready for change. Then they
started feeding their subjects the Requip in large quantities. This is an
acceptable way to go: the agonists, (All of the newer types from Permax on)
will perform as expected, although there is an increased risk of provoking
   The simplest way to describe what they have done is that they have
mortgaged the future, by using all the Requip up at a relatively early age,
they then have to cope  with advancing PD effects with only levodopa to manoeuvre.

This note is rather hurried, because I wanted to catch the debate which I can
feel, rumbling beneath my feet even as I write.

Comments please!!


Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>