

Dear Thea,   as a "sometime" reader of the saga of Parkinsaw and its pigs,
you may be forgiven the error of assuming that "MISS" Piggy and "MS" Piggy
are the same per--- uh, pig.   As it hapoens, the  fabled MS. Piggy is one
of the 6 Fabled Cincy Fliers, winged pigs from the city oif Cincinnati,
formerly known as "Porkopolis", where a statue has been erected in their
honor.   MS. Piggy is no decadent Hollywoodite, but a confirmed feminist,
and it was her daring swoop in midair that deflected the pitchfork aimed at
Porky Porkinson by  an unknown miscreant during the 4th of July Fest in
Parkinsaw. (Wow--I remembered that!)   Were MS. Piggy to be kidnapped, the
defenses of the Sanctuary would be appreciably weakened---to what dire end
we can only surmise.  (You have to use words like dire and surmise and
miscreant when writing  this saga!)
Quite aside from that mistake in identity however, the idea of recruiting
MISS Piggy to the cause may have merit, assuming her  price for endorsing
the Pennies for Parkinson crusade were not too high.
What do other Parkinsawnians think?

>        If that delicate flower of the Pig Family might be interested in
>supporting our cause, what kind of accomodations can we offer her?
>        Would she need  one those Greyhound sized buses? Her own railroad car?
>        As her creator, Jim Henson, totally neglected his health and died very
>suddenly a few years ago, she might be interested in a medical cause??
>        Though i do try to keep up with Parkinsaw, had not realized the
>had their eyes on her..
>        (If you are a Wagnerian fan, does this not have a similarity to
>the two
>Giants kidnapping the lovely Frieda, the lovely goddess of youth??)
>        Regards, Thea Lou Seese  CG Gordon71/21

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !