

The Caroles wrote in part:

>We can hardly wait! We are particularly excited by
>Friday's group therapy for all the Caroles! We are, of
>course, anticipating a group discount.
>    Carole "Sybill" Ratchett Vito GandyDancer
>P.S. Can we watch our video of the "Snake Pit" instead
>of the (bleeping) pigs once in a while?

I regret that I cannot offer MUCH of a group discount, because I will have
to share the proceeds from the session with my co-therapist , Ken "what do
you mean by that?" Becker.  In case you are unfamiliar with him, he is a
therapist of high repute, and expecially good at solving missing persons
and  multiple identity cases. I think you will all like him.   Shall we say
double the regular fee, so I can split it equally with  my colleague?   (I
understand he has a few outstanding accounts to settle, in the interest of
his remaining healthy.)

As for the alternative video you suggest, I am doubtful that we should
introduce yet another species
into the heady mix of this case.  May I remind you that we already are
juggling a large number of Pigs,winged and wingless, good and evil,
Razorbacks, Boars, Tasmanian Devils,  Zebra mussels and Palmetto
bugs.....did I miss anybody?   To add snakes seems to be going a  tad
overboard, something I'm sure you would NEVER want to encourage,on sober
reflection. (How many Levolagers were there in your fridge, anyway?)   Your
RESISTANCE to viewing the recommended amount of the dancing pig website ,
is extremely significant, and may stem from the nature of your toilet
training as an infant.  I hope we can investigate this in your earliest
appointment, Carole.  (If this is Monday, you must be Carole H.)

P.S. Tell  that Sybill that if one or more of her show up too I can't give
you a discount!

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !