

Just a quick note to our List-family to let ya all know
that Beth and I enjoyed the buncha email sent by
many of ya on Friday.  The ONLY"person" we
haven't heard from is PORQUETTA.  (giggle)

It's pushing 2 a.m. now and Beth just crashed
and dragged herself upstairs to get some sleep,
but before I hit the hay I thought I'd drop ya a line
or two and tell ya all that the List-bond has carried
over into our "real life," meeting.

Certainly a phenomena of our day and time, these
Internet meetings.   I'd like to think that we ALL
could maintain these unique and precious friendships
we've made online into our everyday world.

By the way (wicked smirk), we gossiped 'bout EVERY
SINGLE ONE of ya tonite!!!   Holy Pete... was THAT
fun! <giggle> (ducking) <jus' kidding> (maybe) <BAD
Barbie to be such a tease!>

Can't keep my eyes open another minute, so I'm off to
bed now.

Love 'n hugs....

Barb Mallut
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