

This is what appeared  in the San Jose Mercury today:  Thanks again to all who helped, wrote
letters, and who are supporting this effort in any way they can.  We'll get there yet.  Charlotte

                       Fund more research

                       CONGRESS will soon vote on appropriations for medical research
                       under Health and Human Services. The Udall Act, enacted in 1997,
                       authorizes $100 million on research focused on Parkinson's disease.
                       To date, only 40 percent has been spent on Parkinson's disease. The
                       rest has been spent on unrelated research. Some medical research
                       funding is focused up to 99 percent. If fully funded, the Udall Act
                       would correct these disparities.

                       Parkinson's disease costs taxpayers $25 billion a year, not counting
                       the huge loss of productivity and intense suffering that it inflicts. This
                       annual calamity is far costlier than most natural disasters, and no less
                       so than more publicized diseases.

                       Over 1 million Americans suffer with Parkinson's disease, and over
                       1,000 people a week are diagnosed with this cruel, fatal disease.
                       Over a third are under 50, some as young as 10.

                       My mother was 41, I was 49, and three others in my family were
                       over 60 when diagnosed. Mom died of this progressive disease at 67
                       because she could no longer swallow, move or speak. We were
                       giving her 24-hour care before I was age 5.

                       As a caretaker and now as a patient, I know that advanced
                       Parkinson's is as devastating as Alzheimer's, and often worse.

                       Californians should write or e-mail Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a member
                       of the Health and Human Services subcommittee, to urge action.

                                                           Charlotte Mancuso

                                                 Young Parkinson Support Group
                                                                   Palo Alto