

MEDS is not the only thing that can send us out to outer space. stress can
to. at my mothers funeral the Minster told me i would not get in to heaven
because i did not belong to his church. i was a week before i be came DON.
to much not enough stess can cause(can,t spell all the big words.) VIVIAN
has found out clam voice hugging show love helps us. my phone was out for 3
1/2 days  i went through blue blazes. could not be left a lone. as i have
all phones at arms length with one button to push for 911.  SPRINT IN LIMA
does not have men to take care of phones. money you know.  am back on line
now. hip hip (ok)

                             I.Y.Q.  DON   AND   VIVIAN
                           LOVE OF MY  LIFE-54

                          BEST MED,S FOR PD. IS
                           T.L.C. FOR ALL

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