

While this is actually from AOL, it's probably wise advice for all the
E-mail & Hyperlink Safety
Scammers often use hyperlinks to direct you to Web sites that look like
official AOL or AOL.COM pages, but are not. The e-mails and Web pages may
claim that you've won a prize or encourage you to sign up for testing of a
new product or service. They may even look identical to AOL services such as
AOL NetMail. NEVER click on hyperlinks in e-mail sent to you by strangers.

Hyperlinks (blue, underlined words or phrases that link to AOL or Internet
sites) can be used as handy shortcuts to online areas. However, beware of
hyperlinks in e-mails from strangers! If you received e-mail with any of the
following subject lines, please read this entire article!

* <A HREF="aol://4344:2452.safe55.26162473.617043769">AOL Gifts Scam</A>
* <A HREF="aol://4344:2452.safe54.26162472.617043766">TOS Violations Scam</A>
* <A HREF="aol://4344:2452.safe52.26160627.615991862">You Should Read This,
Very Important</A>
* <A HREF="aol://4344:2452.safe51.26159201.613410122">AOL 5.0 Scam</A>
* <A HREF="aol://4344:2452.scam6.26155757.606528834">AOL NetMail 2.0</A>
* <A HREF="aol://4344:2452.safe49.26149465.611701354">AOL 4.0 Update Scam</A>
* <A HREF="aol://4344:2452.safe12a.26152268.564431112">More E-mail Scams &

To participate, these scammers ask you to enter your AOL screen name and
password. AOL staff will NEVER ask you for your password or credit card
information. Some Web pages may automatically download computer viruses or
Trojan Horse programs to your computer. These programs can damage your
computer files or send your password back to the scammer. With your screen
name and password, the scammer can sign on to your AOL account, read your
e-mail, send e-mail in your name, and even violate AOL's Terms of Service,
which may result in the termination of your account.

To keep your computer and your AOL account safe, NEVER click on hyperlinks in
e-mail sent to you by strangers. And NEVER enter your screen name and
password into a Web page unless it is an official AOL Web page. Official AOL
Web pages can be found at AOL.COM at