

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        72   deg. F   :-)

Hello everybody,

So far 34 videos have been requested., and 22 have been sent.  We have
to wait for your payment, and then send the videos, because our cash flow
very limited.  Any "reviews" posted to our List will probably help the
PWP's,  wherever you are.  I feel your comments improve our performances.

 Today,  I was able to get to Senator Olympia Snowe's office in Portland,
 and she will hopefully see the video very soon.  I am thinking that
certain EXCERPTS
of it could be useful to STEP UP THE PRESSURE for PD research money.

Also, a few people have told me that my explanation of how I try to cope
the worst symptoms is very hopeful.

 You have my permission to use comments I made on camera that may be
helpful to you
in any context.

Attention to Nina Brown:  the fax campaign may have helped.  I have just
covered that Mr. Ciganek at Fox Network News is working on getting a PD
story on
the news, if it is acceptable to his producer.  Mr. Ciganek is at
