

The radio Shack has two small amplifier that are useful. On has an amplifier
about the size of a deck of cards that is spoken into and connects to head
phones. I find this works very well in the car.  I think it was designed for
listening to TV.

A second one from Radio Shack has a very small microphone with the amplifier
about the same size as above, which is held to the ear. Also good for
one-to-one conversation.  Both of these have mediocre fidelity but do the job.

A much better one -- and much more expensive -- is called a Voicette and is
made by Luminaid, 8688 Tyler Blvd., Mentor, OH 44060. The amplifier is about
6.5 x 6.0 x 3.0. The microphones come in different styles: clip-on, head set,
for example.  This is good for conversing with three or four people at a
time. It has excellent fidelity and was the best of three that we tried. You
may be able to get one for trial.

Hope this is helpful.