

>>     "There was evidence of relatively recent infarcts in multiple
>> territories of the brain, suggesting embolism. These lesions, perhaps in
>> conjunction with drugs he may have been taking for his Parkinson's
>> may constitute the structural basis for the hallucinations."

Unfortunately, when a patient is severely ill with one condition doctors
frequently don't look for other conditions that might be contributing to an
increase in symptoms.  Joe might developed small strokes (TIAs) as a
consequence of a rather benign cardiac arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation).
While doctors were trying to determine why his PD symptoms had increased
they probably never bothered to consider TIAs as the cause - especially
since the increase in symptoms didn't reflect a profound event, such as a
full blown stroke would have evidenced.

To my knowledge, PD drugs do not cause clot formation.  If anyone has any
other understanding I would hope that they would share the information with
this list.
Mary Ann Ryan R.N. (CG Jamie 19/59)