

Hiya, Nita....

Hey youse - I never said nuttin' about splitting the List and
starting a PD jokes list.  And, as a matter of fact think that
would be a needless fracture of something I value - the original
list.  I LIKE the humor usually found on the list  -not each
individual joke that's posted, but the very fact that despite the
pain of living with PD we CAN joke.

I guess - between you 'n me - that today's post about the pig
becoming the mascot of Parkinson's Disease just struck me as
carrying this whole pig-thing to extremes I just couldn't stand
any longer.   So I spoke up! (something I haven't done online for

Anyway, I'm pooped right now 'cause I went to a PD friend's today
to help her get her PD support group's newsletter ready for
today's mail.  OYE!  Soch ein CHORE, mine dear! <grin>

BIG hug atcha...

-----Original Message-----
From: Nita Andres <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 1:16 PM
Subject: Pigs

>  Barb, I like those pigs, to laugh at and to eat. Don't think I
>like a pig pin  to wear about, though. I don't want to do without
>If they go to separate list, then I will have two lists. I know
it is
>hard for some to delete and I have no solution. Just think what
Jim Fenn
>owes to pigs.
>I have sent this message to the wrong place twice. I hope it
makes it
>this time.
>Just to send another message twice, write your senators ,
>and even the president. You don't have to like any of them to
write. We
>get things done by pestering the government. Love, Nita