

Gee, Don!

YOUR fingers are F_L_Y_I N_G today!

I sure feel better knowing howmuch you care.

My caregivers are meeting tomorrow at 10 AM to try and close all the
gaps. Mike is gone, his mom for whatever reason needs him
at home.

All I can do is pray that things work out without him.  Maybe he'll
come back.

Meanwhile, thanks for your wonderful letter, Don.

On Sun, 1 Aug 1999 10:28:02 -0700 "Donald F. McKinley" <[log in to unmask]>
>IVAN you are not the only one to be scared.  VIVIAN stayed with
>24hr,s. a
>day with me when our phone was out you see we learned or taught me to
>get by
>my self for a few hours. i have a phone any where in the house that is
>in arms reach. with a button to call 911. if she goes first i want to
>it on my own. she at times has go to the store, and shop. you can,t
>ask some one to baby sit(all PD) inoculated. if we all try there is
>lot we
>can do on our own.  so IVAN AND ALL PD,S . WE MUST GROW UP when up set
>is always list to turn to.  or 911. your Fridley phone call,s and
>other have
>been there. i now where depends list got me to do. i will not give in
>to PD
>going to live to be 100 so all and mean all PWP,S never say die. live
>as we got it.  i always think there is worst people out there than
>                                      I.Y.Q  DON  AND  VIVIAN
>                                    LOVE OF MY LIVE-54
>                                   BEST MED.,S FOR PD IS
>                                   LAUGHTER & FAITH IN A CURE
>                                      [log in to unmask]

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)