

Dear Grace-- believe me, you happened to "step in the door" at a bad
time--we're not always like this!

And yes, hallucinations are very common with PD, especially after some
years .  They are very often caused by the meds taken to control other
symptoms, and it can require some really delicate balancing to achieve
degree of mobility without going over the line into hallucinations.  My
husband has to be very careful about this, especially to avoid too much
Sinemet with an agonist.  He had a terrible paranoid episode 2 years ago
because his (then) neuro refused to reduce Sinemet dose when starting
Mirapex.  He now takes Requip, and does well, but his neuro says he will
probably always have mild and minor times, as when he thinks someone is/has
been here, or the crumbs are moving and thus are bugs.   That we can live
with.  But the hallucinations start mildly and can increase to be really
scary and a big problem, so please talk to your neuro about them soon.  I
hope you see a movement disorder specialist, or a neuro who specializes in

>I have just subscribed to this list.  Thought I would receive some good
>medical info., etc.  I did receive 98 e-mail.  Of these maybe 12 made
>some sense.  Everyone else is fighting with someone or a pig, or
>something.  Is this list worthwhile?
>I was diagnosed with PD almost 8 years ago.  Managed quite well until
>March of this year when hallucinations started.  Does anyone else have
>this problem?  "G"

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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