

hi all

At 11:21 1999/08/06 -0500, darwin wrote:
>I agree that private messages should be keep private. We all assume
>the risk of receiving private correspondence since our e-mail address
>is there for everyone to see, as it should be....

there was quite a bit of concern expressed about privacy
when john cottingham first opened up his website
with the most recent pd list messages
on view on the world wide web

as it turns out in the current situation
our former list-member seems to be 'watching' the list
and using it to gather info ammo and addresses

which sits very uneasily with both barb and me

but we have done nothing yet to address that concern

if that site did not exist a disgruntled ex-listmember
or any non-subscriber for that matter
would not have had such an easy time
doing what david has done

>Some of it has been very good that I have received. I have
>found the best way to respond to attacks is to totally ignore
>it. I don't give the attacker the satisfaction of a response.
>"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never
>hurt me!" It's his or her problem, not mine. If we have this
>attitude and don't go on the defensive every time we think
>someone is messing with the chip on our shoulder (we all have
>one or two), the world would be a much better place. Some people
>just like to argue for the sake of arguing, but not being very
>good at debate, they fall back on attacking the other debater...

that is very good general advice, darwin,
except that this list is not meant to be a 'public' forum

for example
no-one can obtain a list of members and their addresses
except the owners

someone who feels vulnerable and in pain
and who comes here for support and solace at our open door invitation
deserves a bit more assurance of privacy from the outside world
don't you think?

>I disagree that if I feel I have been attacked, then I have been
>attacked. That assumes that I will always interpret the words in
>the way intended, and all of you know that there are misunderstandings
>and the same statement can mean one thing to one person and another
>to another...

i know, and i appreciate that

there is definitely a feminist slant to my view on this subject
based on rape and sexual harrassment issues

in a situation like this
i would hope that the 'three strikes' concept
would narrow the field considerably, no?
if you write to me "whatever"
and i write back and say stop it
and you write to me again
and i write back to you and say stop it again
and you write to me again...

at that point
could we not agree that the sender is committing an offense
regardless of the content of the "whatever" message?

>It also assumes that we are always of sound mind,
>but I  won't go there!

very very wise of you, i'm sure!

those dishes just keep piling up

janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
snail-mail: PO Box 171  Almonte  Ontario  K0A 1A0  Canada
website: a new voice <>
e-mail: <[log in to unmask]>