

Dear Janet, I too have been a bit troubled by the tone of earlier versions,
and think version "C" is a great improvement.  :

>Version C:
>If a member of this list persists in unwelcome and unsolicited
>communication involving personal attacks on another listmember,
>the offender's subscription may be subject to termination.
>Listmembers are here to share their vulnerabilities; as listowners,
>we feel a primary obligation to honour and protect that generosity.
>and compulsive editor

I'm assuming that Barb P. is also in agreement?  Thanks for laboring with
this issue on our behalf, and for moderating the initial  posts which did
seem to give an impression you may not have intended---I guess I'm with
Kathrynne, Judith and Charlie (to name a few) on this one.

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH
<[log in to unmask]>

                          ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

                        We agree to differ...
                                we resolve to love...
                                                   we  unite to serve.
                          ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***