

Dear John B--sorry I've not responded so far--I do think the "safeguard" of
a designated day (or 2) when your Chronicles and any appropriate responses
would appear may be the way to go.  I guess I'm just  a bit discouraged at
present but maybe another thread, pig or not, will appeal.  I was actually
pretty fond of the terrible Nurse Ratchett, too.  I think that it's very
seductive to get overly hooked of the sound of one's own voice, and maybe
that's what happened--though actually quite a few folks contributed to the
pig saga as it unfolded.

I would hate to lose your Parkinsawnians from our midst, and maybe we'll
just have to see what else developes.  Porky  and Porquetta gave their
lives for the Pennies for PD cause--the Fliers were shot down and turned
into sausage.....where are those Palmetto bugs and Ken B. when we need
them????  I think I'll go steal one of Peter's Prozacs  !

 Naw, I never get depressed--I'm the CG   :-)

        Camilla Flintermann               <[log in to unmask]>


         "You must *be* the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi