

Jackie wrote in part--- <<<<<<<< SNIPPED >>>> This doctor is really totally unacceptable. The day he told my husband he had PD he allowed him all of a 5 minute appointmet. Told him he had PD, take this medication it will take care of things and ushered him out the door. Never allowed my husband to ask questions about PD or the meds or told him what to expect. At first I sort of thought it may have been my husband's fault because he isn't really one to ask a lot of questions. But, the other day when I talked to the doc (I work at the same medical center) I had a small list of questions/concerns I wanted clarified and he totally brushed me off and wouldn't give me the time of day. He was actually downright rude and totally insensitive. SNIPPED Right on! You were obviously doing a GREAT job of being a CG and patient advocate---I suggestthat this guy w ould do better as a used car salesman than a doctor! (OOOPS---disclaimer--no offense to any used car salespersons on the list!) I hope you can find one who is not only more informed about PD but also a nicer human being! Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55 Oxford, Ohio <<[log in to unmask]> "Ask me about the CARE list for Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "