


This is a (retarded) reaction on the discussion about what one should be
allowed to write to the listserv and what should not. One has to find a way
just between the Scylla of destroying open communicaton and creating a
totalitarian atmosphere in which usefull information is hold back from fear
of being to critical, and the Charybdis of hurting people unnecessarely by
being too permissive to the criticists.
To manage this one has to keep to two principles:
Whatever one's feelings are, towards the list as a whole or to a part of
its members or just to one person, it is always permitted to express them
in words. Of course situations can happen in which it mightn't be the most
sensible thing to do, but that can be no reason for a ban. It must be
advised not to use language which is more unparliamantary than one needs,
to be clear enough.
The second principle is for the recipient of the message and is expressed
in the Dutch saying "wie de schoen past trekke hem aan" which according to
my dictionary, exists in English too as "if the shoe fits, wear it."
The impossibility to prevent being the object of criticism, be it apopriate
or not, is the price we pay for living in a free society and that price is
not to high, especially not if we keep this second principle in mind.
Just as a crticist can be unnecessarily hurting by using agressive
language, so can the criticised  be unnecesarily terrorizing by forming a
group for doing the defence on an "all against one" basis. A group should
never turn against one person if that person is not a real threat to that

Ida Kamphuis

Vriendelijke Groeten / Kind regards,

Ida Kamphuis                            mailto: [log in to unmask]