

I promised you all in my intro that I would follow it up with questions and here I am. But first, I want to thank you all for your messages both to the list and to me personally. They are truly appreciated in my quest for knowledge. Here go the questions. Sinemet/Protein Connection - I am seeing that protein inhibits the l-dopa getting to the brain so a PWP should not eat or limit the protein intake. Now, is this just animal protein or all proteins such as plant type proteins from things like beans and peanut butter? How about fish? I am trying to alter my husband's diet and I want to do it right. Vitamins - My husband's neuro recommended he take Vit C 1000 mg/day, Vit E 1000 mg 2x/day, Beta Carotein 25,000mg/day. I've heard that the natural Vit E is better than the synthetic, but I am having a hard time differentiating them in the store. I am seeing deceptive brands with the word "Natural" or "Nature" in them but I'm not sure what is really "natural" and what isn't. Does anyone have any experience with Vit E? What should I be looking for in the ingredients. I've noticed one type had (I believe) d-alpha tocopherels (?sp - I don't have the bottle with me) and another said "Mixed tocopherels" and listed d-alpha along with some others and it said it was from a "natural vegetable source". HELP! Motor Movement Specialist - I've heard that a PWP should see a Motor Movement Specialist. Are they more familiar with Parkinson's treatment than a regular neuro doc? Does anyone know of one in New England/New York? Also, my husband has expressed an interest in getting a second opinion and I'm guessing that this is the type of doc to get the second opinion from. Any thoughts, opinions, recommendations on ones in New England, etc. will be appreciated. My husband's current doc just keeps uping the meds on the basis of phone calls as opposed to actually seeing him and with everything I'm reading that is making me very uncomfortable. Any and all input would be welcomed. Thanks again. Jackie in VT (Duane 49/<<1) I think that's how you do it... [log in to unmask]