

A swallowing evaluation can be done by a speech therapist, probably at a
local hospital, . It is called a "Modified Barium Swallow", and the person
is given items of different consistencies to swallow while the action is
observes by (I think) fluoroscopy.  Not painful, and it can pinpoint the
stage in the swallowing process where there is a problem.  The problem, for
PWPs especially, is the risk of aspiration pneumonia, when things "go down
wrong" and get into the lungs.  The esophagus doesn't close properly due to
the PD, and there a  an increased risk of food getting into the trachea
instead..  The doc can order the test.

>One of the members of my support group has swallowing problems from time
>to time.  It can be anything from salvia to pills to "food".  Does anyone
>have a  helpful suggestion?.  Could this problem be caused by anxiety
>upon occasion?
>Sharon H

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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