

(Does this mean I'M perseverating???  :-)

It's nice to know W ebster's Dictionary defines the word as I did-- honest.
I hadn't peeked.

I sometimes wonder if one reason PWPs are so loath to let go of an idea may
be that they are afraid if they don't DO or SAY it NOW they'll forget
it---I know that happens to Peter, often in mid-sentence.

I was hoping Charlie or one of the other experts was familiar with the
other term for this ---darn, I wish I could find that article!  I was a
term that suggested the "holding on" was related to brain function in some

But it is evident from feedback that it IS something a lot of PWPs and thus
their CGs experience.  Now I often tell Peter, "Hey, you're perseverating!"
and we chuckle about it---fortunately he doesn't get mad.......

There---I did it! I wrote *TWO* posts in a row that didn't mention XXXX.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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