

On Thu 05 Aug, Leo Fuhr wrote:
> List family,
>         Reporting on my experience using PERMAX as monotherapy for my pd symptoms.
>  As I related in earlier post to list, my neuro suggested dropping MIRAPEX
> due to extreme drowniness side effect but wanted to try PERMAX before
> reintroducing SINEMETCR since I'm 48(49 on 9/27).
>         I have titrated up to .25mg 3xs daily with moderately fair results.  My
> biggest complaints:
> 1)  Left arm & shoulder are acting as when initially dx in 11/97....pain,
> swelling, and not able to swing when walking and not able to do fine motor
> skills....typing is hard this AM and was not able to drive on a highway
> triip of 148 miles round trip w/o pain in left arm and had to ask dgthr to
> drive some yesterday.
> 2)Fatigue continues.  I have to choose what to use my limited energy for ie
> shop for groceries or do laundry.
> 3) Lots of heartburn/indigeestion and constipation.
>         I'm ready to say"Give me back the Sinemet so I can function more
> normally."  Am I being impatient or not???
> Jeanette Fuhr 48/47/44?
It saddens me to see someone suffering like this in the early years of PD,
when it is so easy to  control the symptoms just by taking Sinemet. I
suppose, like so many  PWPs, your neurologist is one of that group
who are frightened of the Bogey Man, who rains down diskinesias on
people like me who refused to  suffer in the early days of PD.

To put it a bit more clearly, Nobody yet knows what dyskinesias are.
These people seem to think that you hhave a licence for lets say 15
years operation without dyskinesias, and then you are doomed. So, if you
put back the date when you start taking  levodopa, you postpone the
problem in your old age. It is utter rubbish ! My advice is to go back
onto Sinemet right now, and enjoy the benefits for the next 20 years as
I have, (and continue to use it).

I just thought of something: If you have put in your 5 yrs of suffering,
and 14 yrs and 11 months later, you are run down by a Bus, you are going
to feel cheated aren't you.!!

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>