

I would really like to have them back. Nita

john bjork wrote:

> Fellow Humorists and Other Dissenting List Members
> I sent the message below two days ago, and have received five yays and
> zero nays.  Hardly an affirmation of the plan, but it's a start.  It
> seemed to me then, as it seems to me now, that if the humorists can
> reduce their postings, perhaps by selecting one day of the week for
> humor (including porker humor), and by even then being mindful of
> message frequency and length, that both camps can co-exist in harmony.
> The keyword here is balance.  Balance between the First Amendment rights
> of the humorists to post messages as they see fit, given the PIE
> administrative guidelines, and the responsibility of the humorists to
> ensure that the exercise of their rights does not abridge the rights of
> others.
> Now, I'm not in charge here.  The suggestions I make are mine alone and
> obviously need not be accepted.  They may be modified by other humorists
> and other members.  And, of course, they may be summarily rejected out
> of hand.  The point is the Parcel Post Pigs, the Fabled Cincy Flying
> Pigs, and the Porkinson siblings can live again, albeit in a reduced and
> less pervasive capacity.  So, if you're interested in this revival plan,
> let the list know.
> If you're not, let the List know.  The current plan on the table, Option
> #1 if you will, would call for the relegation of  reoccurring, saga
> based humor to be presented on one day only, with an informal
> understanding that length and frequency of postings be foreshortened.
> Short, isolated, ad hoc, occasional  humor welcome any time.
> Now, is this a great country or what?
> John Bjork
> Parkinsaw, MI
> Special Edition of the Parkinsaw, MI Chronicles
> August 5, 1999
> Preliminary Pontifications Prohibiting Porker Postings Prompts Parkinsaw
> Pow-wow
> Chubby Labarre, President of Sty King, originally formed to promote the
> image of the lowly pig, and I met today over several Levolagers at the
> Northern Lights micro brewery to discuss the latest developments
> concerning the doo-doo our porcine friends find themselves in.  The
> Flying Pigs are gone and the Parcel Post Pigs are Predictably Postponing
> Packing.  The Sanctuary is dark.  The Michigan Wolverines are back in
> the woods, the Tasmanian Devil returned to Tasmania, the Gandy Dancer
> has silently vanished and Dudly Doowrong is filling out job applications
> over the internet.
> After crying in our suds for a couple of hours, we realized we were just
> making matters worse by taking a negative, defeatist attitude.   When
> the going gets tough, the tough don't cry in their beer, they get going
> too.  That's the Parkinsaw Way.  (Fade to black)
> (Camera ready, roll it!) From my vantage point I see the problem as
> simply too many NON-PD posts every day, week in and week out.  The sheer
> volume of these posts on a daily basis has bothered other members of the
> List to the extent that their protests have resulted in our removing all
> pig related material.  I think we have to be careful not to throw out
> the humorous baby out with the administrative bath water.  We need to
> think this thing through and see if there isn't a more moderate solution
> than Purging Porker Posts.  Since I'm a humorist and not a arbitrator it
> should come as no great surprise that I have only one option to
> present.  But, it's a start.  And, (drum roll), here it is:
> My understanding of the problem, such as it is, revolves around the
> sheer numbers of posts on a daily basis which has caused some list
> members  to develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in their wrists from deleting
> so many of our non-pd pig related messages.  Further, some members are
> just tired noticing the presence of the posts containing references to
> pigs.  So, why not change to another animal, say bats?  Just kidding.
> We could, though, set aside a specific day of the week when we would
> post our messages involving our Porker Pals, for instance, Friday.  This
> way the other six days of the week would be free of pig related humor.
> Those members who find Porker Postings Positively Pesky would be
> emotionally prepared on Friday and perhaps wear elastic wrist wrappings
> to avoid damaging sensitive tendons.  And, the rest of the week, for six
> whole days they wouldn't have to contend with pigs.  This would allow us
> to continue the porker saga albeit in a somewhat muted fashion, while
> maintaining peace in the valley.  So, chin up Camilla!  Now a smile,
> Hillary! Wipe those tears, Carol of CT!  It is just possible we might
> ride again.  As the Sty-King motto says:  "This could be the start of
> something pig!"
> John Bjork
> The Parkinsaw Chronicles
> Parkinsaw, MI