

Camilla Flintermann wrote:

>  Naw, I never get depressed--I'm the CG   :-)

I am certain this was written in jest.  I too am a CG and I feel the oppression
of age affecting my moves, my thoughts, my very being.  My Barbara has to take
a bunch of meds, but so do I.  After my 4 bypass last year, I was just told
last week that I was officially a diabetic.  So now with the low cholesterol
regimen, I now have to watch my intake of carbohydrates.  This I find
particularly hard to take.  After the war, I promised myself I would never go
hungry again, and indeed since the Holocaust, I have done well in that respect.
I have to take care of myself if I want to take care of my PD wife, and so far
it has been a ball, sometimes with a chain around the ankles, but we do what we
can, and indeed we can...Humor, and lots of it saves me and protects me as a
shield behind which I can hide, and cry if need be.  (The internal or is it the
infernal squabble we just went through must have affected me because I think I
am getting emotional and should het back on the 'right' path.)
So! The two lists (Barb Patterson & Camilla) provide a vent for PD's and CG's
easier deal with than any other of the same subject.  I have seen more
ignorance displayed here than I'd like to see, but hopefully much of it is
being rectified.
By and large, this has been an interesting experience, and I wish each
protagonist good health.
with love
Michel Margosis
'Carpe Diem', please.