

Hi folks,

Here's a TV special proposal - for what it's worth - for your
consideration.  It would build
money for research on PD.  It involves a TV show to kick off a "Dollars
for Dopamine" fund-raising campaign to benefit a research organization.
It could be set in Portland, Maine, with links by satellite to Barb
Mallutt, famous Hollywood talk-show hostess extraoridinaire.

Opening scene of late summer near Mt. Katahdin, Maine.  Fade to  TV

Good morning from Maine, land of fabled colored leaves and CRISP morning
air.  It's
 a knee-rattling, 53 degrees here today. I am your host,  Camilla
Flintermann of Oxford, Ohio.
I will be talking with  a number of celebrated  persons living with
Parkinson's DIsease, now known also as a dopamine deficiency disease.

We will be  interviewing Muhammad and Lonnie Ali, Janet Reno, Michael
J.Fox and Tracy Pollan, Johnny Cash,  Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Ivan

We will also feature Hilary Blue, creator of Porquetta Pig,  and writer
John Bjork.

>AND I can report that OF COURSE the TV version of the saga will be on
>PUBLIC TV, because of the high level of quality involved!  No
>to sully the tale  (tail???)  of these Porkers!  The only $$$$$ they
>concerned with is the Pennies for Parkinson's campaign.
>I have heard on the grapevine that there is a possibility Ivan
>veteran TV/PD anchor man and  celeb, will be asked to do the Intro to
>TV version, as he is so accustomed to the bright lights of that
>Lacking his availability, M.J.Fox would be the runner-up of choice, I
>  And of course the wrap-up bash after the show is taped will be
>hosted by
>none other than Barb (ducking and grinning) Mallut, the "Hostess With
>Mostest" !
> To obtain "sponsors" who will *delicately* be named but allowed no
>extended pitch, we have retained Ken (Show Me The Money) Becker, and
>will be capably handled by Hilary Blue, sty-mother of Porky and
>Porquetta..... How's that for a celebrity lineup?
>Watch your local paper for the date of showing in your area-- why not
>a neighborhood block party with authentic Pennies for Parkinsons jars
>advance the CAUSE !
>        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>
>                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
>                             the best medecine !

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses      53     deg. F   :-)