

Clare --

Thanks.  We noticed that Sominex has the same ingredient as Benadryl but the
latter is much cheaper in the generic form.  We also noticed that Unisom is
a different medication and wondered if anyone was using that.  Ted is on the
same sleep cycle as you are.  About four hours is the max although he lays
down and naps during the day.  That's good for him but, unfortunately, I'm a
light sleeper who likes at least five or six good sound hours of sleep in a
row.  And I've never been a napper.  I'm no expert but I doubt that you have
a sleep disorder from what I've witnessed here.  He used to sleep well at
night all night -- up until about a year ago.  I don't know if it's the
Parkinson's or the medications, but I feel it is one or the other.  Please
keep us informed on your outcome.

-----Original Message-----
From: Clare Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, August 03, 1999 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: OTC sleep aids

>I've taken Unisom for and on... but not every
>single night.  They help me get to sleep and stay asleep for about
>4 hours.  My neuro, when told I have this problem and need
>help getting to sleep,
>arranged an appt. with the  sleep disorder people!  She  doesn't
>agree that PD in and of itself causes sleep disturbance.  So
>I'll let you know what develops appt. is in October!
>Any other comments on sleep disorder clinics will be welcomed
>as well.
>Clare Wilson