

List family,
        Reporting on my experience using PERMAX as monotherapy for my pd symptoms.
 As I related in earlier post to list, my neuro suggested dropping MIRAPEX
due to extreme drowniness side effect but wanted to try PERMAX before
reintroducing SINEMETCR since I'm 48(49 on 9/27).
        I have titrated up to .25mg 3xs daily with moderately fair results.  My
biggest complaints:
1)  Left arm & shoulder are acting as when initially dx in 11/97....pain,
swelling, and not able to swing when walking and not able to do fine motor
skills....typing is hard this AM and was not able to drive on a highway
triip of 148 miles round trip w/o pain in left arm and had to ask dgthr to
drive some yesterday.

2)Fatigue continues.  I have to choose what to use my limited energy for ie
shop for groceries or do laundry.

3) Lots of heartburn/indigeestion and constipation.

        I'm ready to say"Give me back the Sinemet so I can function more
normally."  Am I being impatient or not???

Jeanette Fuhr 48/47/44?