

    I, too, am tired of the pig thread.
    A couple of weeks ago, Dale Severance wrote a very polite letter
explaining the changes that we as PWP go through that make wading
through so many messages burdensome.
    That was followed by a message from Camilla who urged us to practice
restraint and think of others.
    I wrote suggesting that we heed Camilla's advice.
    Humour is a very necessary part of our lives, but IMO the pig thread
has been carried to the extreme and there has been so little Pksns
content on the the list lately that it is hardly worth reading.
    As a point of clarification, here is David's 'Goodbye' to the list
which I found in the archives. If my message is perceived as 'unwelcome'
or 'offensive' be it.

Date: 21/02/97 18:12
From: David Boots
Subject: Goodbye

Fellow Listmembers:

It's time for me to leave the list.I joined the PD-list around 7/95
hoping to correspond with other young people dealing with PD. It was a
emotional time then and the fellowship from the people that I kept in
touch with was an important part of my life.

Some of the posts I submitted to the group that I'm most proud of are as

Open Letter to God/Open Letter to Group
"PD on public display"
Oh Lord, Stuck In Levis Again!
Come On and Safari With Me
Thanksgiving Thoughts......
A Voice In The Park...A Piece Of Cloth
Holy Cow!...he's got PD too?
Sinemet chain-letter
Wednesday PD-humor
How I got SSDI
Chris Kinesia (Suburban Cowboy)

Conveying my feelings in words unlocked writing abilities I was
previously unaware of. I don't regret any words I've posted here since
joining and
I'm sorry, in retrospect, that I didn't share some of my parodies with
(too risque' for some).

When nepotism ("He ain't shifty, he's my brother") and the endorsement
of off-topic chit-chat was condoned by the Listmaster, I knew that my
belief in the purpose of the PD-List had finally died. The stories of so
closet-writers (such as myself) trying to cope with their own PD-hell
are overshadowed by the repeated non-humorous postings of a small-minded
group of people who "thumb their nose" at the requests to "please stop
posts from dozens of the people on the List.

For those of you who would like to stay in touch, I'll still be on-line
and will still be writing tales of my struggle with PD for national and
international PD-newsletters but my words will no longer appear on this
list. Someone has agreed to forward me posts from any young people like
myself who post to the list in the future (there is a "generation gap"
between younger and older people with PD that I do not understand but

I hope to work steadily on my book after my pallidotomy surgery in the
next few months as well as play my music once again. In the meantime,
weather here is beautiful, my house is clean, and my positive outlook on
life will no longer be suppressed.

"Chris turned and walked slowly down the hallway as he shed the heavy
coat he'd worn for so long, his steps growing lighter and quicker as he
approached and opened the doors and stepped outside into the sunshine to
enjoy this thing called LIFE"

-David Boots (38/6)
Judith Richards, London, Ontario, Canada
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