

Hi Don ---Barb P. has asked that attachments NOT be sent to the LIST--you
can send them to individuals offlist if you need to, and tell them what it
is, as you said.    Now why would anybody think YOU would foul us up?  No
way, Jose !
If you want to send ME some pix of family, I can open them if they are jpg
I think.

>i get a few and have no trouble in bring them up. i check to see who they
>are from. they usefully brought them up. i just learned how to send some
>pic's of my family. have not sent them yet but will in subject tell them
>what it is . so they won,t have to worry about a vireus.  just like my web
>page. i get a paper clip by the mail so i know it has a attachment to it.
>then decide if i want to open it. i for get who wrote it tell me again and i
>will be sure to not send any to you. or any one else. as i would never do
>any thing to foul up some ones PC.  send me your emails for nay.
>                                    I.Y.Q.   DON  &  VIVIAN
>                                     LOVE OF MY LIFE-54
>                                      BEST MEDS FOR PD IS
>                                LISTENING TO THE I.Y.Q.  (KID)  LOLO
>                                      [log in to unmask]

        Shalom and Love, Camilla
        <[log in to unmask]>

                                  IN SUNSHINE AND IN SHADE."
                        --author unknown