

I'd like to quote Dennis here as I post this..."how lucky we are in "the
West" in comparison to some parts of the 3rd world." (I'm
from India and a new member to this list.)

I'm a care-giver and I look after my mother who is 70 years old. She still
refuses to accept the fact that she has Parkinsons. To play safe, the
doctor who is treating her took one year to confirm the diagnosis.

I really dread the prospect of moving her to a hospital if she were
to develop a problem other than PD. Because, I don't know how the
nursing staff will handle her PD medication along with what she might have
to take.

Doctors here are fairly insular in their diagnosis and treatment.
In most cases, unless you know the doctor as a personal friend,
PD gets a typical response.

"Doc, I have a headache !!!"
"Take two aspirins and call me in the morning."

I wonder if there are members on this list who are from India.
I'm really looking forward to meeting a support group; I would even look
forward to starting one in Bangalore.